Monday, June 24, 2013

California Schools: New State, Federal Strategies Flawed, Familiar | California Progress Report

California Schools: New State, Federal Strategies Flawed, Familiar | California Progress Report:

California Schools: New State, Federal Strategies Flawed, Familiar

Posted on 24 June 2013
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Lisa SchiffBy Lisa Schiff
Almost as much has happened in the two weeks since public schools let out for the summer than in the entire second semester. In the first part of June, a revised version of federal education policy was introduced in the Senate and a California state budget has all but passed that includes dramatic funding changes for our state's schools.
Having a budget on time would usually be news in itself for California, but the signs have clearly been pointing this way over the last month. What is less clear are the implications of the changes that came about in those last weeks of compromise. In the public education world, Governor Brown's initial Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) aimed to transform the allocation of school funding so drastically by consolidating many separate programs and streamlining those financial flows, that there was still much to chew over and understand. In this last period, he and representatives who had pitched slightly different counter proposals came to a mid-point about funding levels and formulas for different