Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Big Education Ape - SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 6-18-13 #soschat #edreform

Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break

Testing reform in the news: June 6-12, 2013

From Fair Test:

Many major stories about assessment reform progress this week -- Texas significantly reduces standardized exam mandates; a rally in Albany opposes testing overkill, and major national groups call for a moratorium on Common Core tests.

All our weekly newsblasts are posted on the web at http://www.fairtest.org/news/other - this one will be up shortly.

Texas Governor Signs Bill Eliminating Two-Thirds of Required High-Stakes Exams

Rebellion Against a Culture of T

Newsela Provides “Leveled” News Articles & Quizzes

Newsela provides several “levels” of the same newspaper articles, along with accompanying online quizzes, that students can read and take. Teachers can create a virtual classroom, assign articles and monitor student progress.
I wouldn’t say it promotes higher-level thinking but, of course, I would say the same thing about most (if not all) of the sites on

U.S. Lets States Delay Using Tests to Rate Teachers

Responding to complaints, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said states could postpone for a year using more rigorous tests to make career decisions about teachers.

Labor Seeks Influence in New York’s Mayoral Race

After years of low morale, unions across the city are roaring back to life this election season, excited by the prospect of installing a friend in City Hall.

The Lesson We Never Learn

promoted by Rosi
Cross-posted at A New Jersey FarmerAfter 29 years in the classroom, and with a pretty savvy political sense, if I may be so bold, I consider myself a keen observer of most things educational, but this story about Philadelphia's schools made me shiver with anger from the first paragraph:

Andrew Jackson School too agitated to eat breakfast on Friday, an aide alerted the school counselor, who engaged him in an art project in her office. When he was still overwrought at 11, a secretary called the boy's family, and soon a monitor at the front door buzzed in an older brother to take him home.Under a draconian budget passed by the Philadelphia School District last month, none of these 

Dallas ISD executive suing former school district for alleged racial discrimination

Dallas ISD executive director Jennifer Span filed a lawsuit last June against the Enlarged City School District of Troy, her former employer in New York, and its school board.
Span, who is over DISD’s Roosevelt High School feeder pattern, contends in an original filing in the U.S. District Court of New York that her civil rights were violated after facing discrimination and retaliation because she is black. The suit was filed a month before Span began work in DISD and seeks monetary … [visit site to read more]

Step Right Up For Phase Two Of The New Jersey Charter Circus!! | Mother Crusader

by Darcoe Cimarusti – Step right up ladies and gentlemen! The NJDOE announced yesterday which charter applications will move on in the application process! Thirteen have been invited to submit Phase Two applications in July, including the two I wrote about back in April. FOC Pastor McDuffie Former Assemblyman Gerald Luongo’s Creative Visions Charter School ...read more
The post Step Right Up For Phase Two Of The New Jersey Charter Circus!! | Mother Crusader appeared first onNPE News Briefs.

School Turnaround: Calling the Bluff of Accountability? | Cloaking Inequity

by Julian Vasquez Heilig – After a decade of trials and changes, a growing number of schools face the threat of organizational approaches such as permanent school closure (Duke, 2012). Turnaround policies and sanctions are unique to each state, as some appear to be more likely to take over and/or close schools relative to the ...read more
The post School Turnaround: Calling the Bluff of Accountability? | Cloaking Inequity appeared first on NPE News Briefs.

The Common Core Loses This Teacher’s Support | Living in Dialogue – Education Week

by Katie Lapham; posted by Anthony Cody – In April I carried a guest post written by New York City elementary teacher Katie Lapham, expressing support for the Common Core standards, but opposing the tests attached to them. Since then, Ms. Lapham has shifted her views. She explains: When I first learned about the Common ...read more
The post The Common Core Loses This Teacher’s Support | Living in Dialogue – Education Week appeared first on NPE News Briefs.

Philly Residents Fighting Back Against Draconian School Cuts With Hunger Strike

Four hunger strikers are fighting back against Philadelphia's plans to close 23 schools, fire nearly 4,000 district employees, and leave the remaining campuses without counselors, aides or sports programs. They're camping out in front of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett’s office, "where they say they will remain without food until the city and state governments do something to reduce layoffs and improve student safety."

The 1% Rules Through Corporations

NSA’s PRISM                                  The 1% Rules Through Corporations   Edward [...] The post The 1% Rules Through Corporations appeared first on DailyCensored.com - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News.

[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

Education Department listens to (some) reason

Education Secretary Arne Duncan bowed to (some) reason Tuesday and announced that he was giving states some flexibility in regard to when they had to use student scores from new Common Core-aligned standardized tests to evaluate teachers.
Read full article >>

The New BTA Association: Are You One?

I received the following communication and think it will appeal to some readers of this blog.
Your move.

Dr. Ravitch – Dr. Mark Naison began a Facebook page as a “joke” a few weeks ago of Teachers he felt were “badasses” in fighting corporate reform.  He invited me to join right away :)  I did.  When I joined we had 70 Badass Teachers.  We did a recruiting day beginning on Sunday as a joke for Badass Teacher of the Month.  We conducted the recruiting for 1 hour on Sunday beginning at 4.  We went from 200 members at 2:00 to 1000