Sunday, June 16, 2013

Anti-teacher groups get failing grade from teacher of the year | toteachornototeach

Anti-teacher groups get failing grade from teacher of the year | toteachornototeach:

Anti-teacher groups get failing grade from teacher of the year

Anti-teacher groups get failing grade from teacher of the year

by Laura Clawson
Michigan’s teacher of the year has been taken up by StudentsFirst and the Mackinac Center as part of their campaign against teachers unions. But he’s not on board with their corporate education policy agenda, Eclectablog reports.
The Koch brothers-funded, ALEC-affiliated Mackinac Center and Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst have been blasting around teacher of the year Gary Abud’s salary, emphasizing that it’s below average in his district—he has only been teaching for six years—and claiming that unions are keeping good teachers down. But Abud tells Eclectablog that “I know how contracts are structured and that I’m newer in this field. In many fields entry level is lower than veteran level on compensation packages. In almost every field, I would imagine.” He notes that when