Saturday, May 11, 2013

Women in Community Colleges Executive Summary : AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881

Women in Community Colleges Executive Summary : AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881:

Women in Community Colleges

Executive Summary

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More than ever before, women are relying on community colleges for higher education and workforce preparation. This report recommends policies and practices to help women succeed in community colleges. In particular, we find that child care is a critical issue for student mothers. Women also need more support for pursuing opportunities in STEM and other male-dominated fields.
With increased attention and improved outreach to women students, the nation’s community colleges can build on their legacy of providing educational opportunity to all. The issues this report addresses are of particular concern to women at community colleges, but improving outcomes for women will benefit everyone.

Media Contacts

Katie Broendel
Lisa Goodnight

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