Saturday, May 11, 2013

What a REAL Paradigm Shift in Education Would Look Like | Alternet

What a REAL Paradigm Shift in Education Would Look Like | Alternet:

What a REAL Paradigm Shift in Education Would Look Like

Exploring the deep, fundamental flaws at the backbone of our "core curriculum."
Photo Credit: Nenov Brothers Photography |
I envy Thomas Paine’s way with language. I’ve been searching for years for words that would have the impact of those he penned in his 1776 pamphlet,
“The Crisis.”
Admittedly, “These are the times that try men’s souls,” and the words that followed, weren’t a howling success. Only about a third of the colonists agreed with Paine’s call for revolution. Another third wanted to stick with England. The remaining third were neutral or apathetic.
What Paine was able to do that I can’t do is sell an idea to at least enough people to make something happen. I need to convince not a third of readers but, say, a tenth, to call their legislators and tell them to dismantle the education