Sunday, May 12, 2013

We read the Tribune so you don’t have to. Representative Lou Lang on treating the Illinois Constitution like yesterday’s newspaper. | Fred Klonsky

We read the Tribune so you don’t have to. Representative Lou Lang on treating the Illinois Constitution like yesterday’s newspaper. | Fred Klonsky:

We read the Tribune so you don’t have to. Representative Lou Lang on treating the Illinois Constitution like yesterday’s newspaper.

By Lou Lang
May 12, 2013
It’s about time that the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board stop treating the Illinois Constitution like yesterday’s newspaper.
For years the editorial page has loudly bellowed for and against Illinois pension proposals and petulantly insulted and denigrated lawmakers who dare to defy the editorial page’s blithe disregard for the state Constitution.
The latest example was a May 6 editorial’s shrill assault on 53 members of the Illinois House of Representatives who voted against a pension reform proposal sponsored by House Speaker Michael Madigan, charging that by exercising their function of office to vote “no” on a bill, they are