Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Kabuki Theater of the Absurd presents “The House of Representatives versus The Senate | Reclaim Reform

The Kabuki Theater of the Absurd presents “The House of Representatives versus The Senate | Reclaim Reform:

The Kabuki Theater of the Absurd presents “The House of Representatives versus The Senate

Kabuki3The Kabuki Theater of the Absurd presents yet another performance of “The House of Representatives versus The Senate.”
The subtitle is “How Much in Billions of Dollars?”

Background: Having stolen and pillaged public employee pension funds for years, the Illinois legislature has blamed the victims and will punish the victims of this massive theft by stealing even more while singling out the oldest and neediest to choose between healthcare or paying for food and shelter. Since the vast majority of the Illinois teacher retirees are elderly women, often widows, now the amount of blood-money must be decided. This pillaging is referred to by legislators as “saving tax funds for education.”
Rep. Nekritz and her cronies talk about tax savings of $190,000,000,000.00 to a mere $150,000,000,000.00 for the length of the plan. Let’s make things easier to say – $190 billion to a mere $150 billion.
SB1 promises to steal – oops – save the taxpayer between $46 billion to a mere $44 billion in its first year –