Saturday, May 11, 2013

UPDATE: The in box. “I’m sorry Mr. Swanson, you fail to show evidence you are living in the real world.” | Fred Klonsky

The in box. “I’m sorry Mr. Swanson, you fail to show evidence you are living in the real world.” | Fred Klonsky:

The in box. “Just so there is no mistake, Fred. I could not disagree with you more.”

Bob Haisman is a retired  Hinsdale social studies teacher and activist. He was president of the Illinois Education Association from 1993 to 1999. As IEA President he led the successful fight against the merger of the NEA and the AFT, the nation’s two largest teacher unions, and took part in the negotiations which led to the pension ramp.
Just so there is no mistake Fred! Just for the Record!! I also endorse SB2404! I so utterly disagree with your flawed “analysis” of SB2404 I hardly know were to begin!
I could not disagree with you more.
IEA and ken Swanson and Cinda Klickna have been representing member’s interests and fighting the Pension Wars for years and certainly this Spring! We have been fighting these “Pension Wars” 

The in box. “I’m sorry Mr. Swanson, you fail to show evidence you are living in the real world.”

I would like Ken Swanson to know how I feel, but the IEA website has very little traffic because most teachers know that it doesn’t become updated in a timely fashion. “And if anyone believes the IL Supreme Court majority who were elected with Madigan’s help and will want that help for re-election will absolutely and undoubtedly strike down the Madigan pension bill they don’t live in the real world.” Mr. Swanson, under your watch, our unions were invaded by Stand for Children and SB 7, high stakes testing and core curriculum. Under Speaker Madigan’s watch have been 2 governors sent to prison and an unbelievable amount of corruption. I have paid my contribution toward TRS and you want me to believe that this coalition has negotiated a deal to keep these crooks away from my pension? The coalition has sold no one on the shared hardship philosophy. All they have done is invite the burglars to finish stealing the rest of my pension. We agreed to unconstitutional bills with SB 2404 and you think this will stop the GA from coming back for more?