Wednesday, May 8, 2013

UPDATE: The attack on the IRTA + The dust hasn’t settled on the pension deal. | Fred Klonsky

The dust hasn’t settled on the pension deal. | Fred Klonsky:

Ten minute drawing. Good cop, bad cop.

good cop bad cop


Quote of the week. Elaine Nekritz.

“For them to say that the legislature is giving people two choices, neither of which they have today, both of which are less than what they have today, I don’t know how that’s different from what we’re saying,” – Elaine Nekritz


Meanwhile at City Hall, protesters want to know why Rahm hasn’t walked the walk.


The attack on the IRTA is a disturbing dimension of the pension debate.

I’ve heard this.
Let the union leadership bargain the best deal they can, and then go to court anyway. If the courts rule in defense of the constitution then all is good and the legislature will have to go back and address the revenue issue like they should have. If the courts rule that the legislature can ignore the constitution, then at least we will have the better of the two bad deals.
You know your living in Illinois when your forced to engage in that kind of thinking.
I believe that the We Are One legal minds say that by coming up with this bargain SB2404 emerges constitutional.
The law allows for a modification of a contract.
By conceding to the diminished benefits of SB2404 the We Are One coalition, the IEA included, undermines any 

The dust hasn’t settled on the pension deal.

Yesterday was a wild day here at
I have never received so many comments. Many of them extended and passionate.
3,000 site visits. Nearly 100 comments.
Two people were supportive of the We Are One coalition’s concession. All the rest were critical.
Of course, my readership is somewhat self-selecting.
But again, Kudos to brother Bob Haisman. Bob and I are long-time activists for our union (Bob has a few years