Saturday, May 11, 2013

State Ordering Girls’ Locker Rooms Open To Boys | toteachornototeach

State Ordering Girls’ Locker Rooms Open To Boys | toteachornototeach:

State Ordering Girls’ Locker Rooms Open To Boys

State Ordering Girls’ 
Locker Rooms Open To Boys

by Drew Zahn
The  California State Assembly  passed a bill Thursday mandating schools permit boys to play on girls’ athletic teams and utilize the ladies’ locker room if they gender identify as girls – or vice-versa for girls identifying as boys.
The bill’s author, openly homosexual San Francisco Democrat Tom Ammiano, has been an activist for lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, issues for decades and reportedly became in 1975 the first  San Francisco  public school teacher to make his homosexuality public. Ammiano later co-founded an  LGBT organization  with  Harvey Milk , the homosexual activist about whom  Hollywood  made a recent feature film and  California  schools celebrate an annual day of remembrance.
Ammiano told the  Los Angeles Times  some parents may be uncomfortable with their children sharing bathrooms with students of a different sex, but he said, “It’s also important to protect our children from prejudice.”
“There’s no trampling of other people’s rights,” he said. “There’s a recognition that other people have the same