Thursday, May 2, 2013

Senate Education Committee vote was a foregone conclusion; charges of DOE test data fraud was huge political bombshell | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Senate Education Committee vote was a foregone conclusion; charges of DOE test data fraud was huge political bombshell | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Louisiana State Senator Supports Creationism Law Because Of His Experience With Witch Doctor

 Reblogged from CenLamar:
Click to visit the original postUpdate: The videos are online. Part OnePart Two.
For the third year in a row, the Louisiana Senate Education Committee deferred a bill to repeal the Louisiana Science Education Act, which allows for the teaching of New Earth Creationism in public school science classrooms. And for the third year in a row, at least one member of the Louisiana Senate managed to steal the show.
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Well, on the plus side, at least now Louisiana can start teaching kids how to be certified witch doctors early on in their public school careers. Since none of ouy kids will understand real biology that might be the best we can 

Senate Education Committee vote was a foregone conclusion; charges of DOE test data fraud was huge political bombshell

 Reblogged from Louisiana Voice:
The vote was a foregone conclusion; the minds were made up long before the Senate Education Committee members cast their votes to kill SB 41 by Sen. Bob Kostelka (R-Monroe).
The vote that killed the bill was anti-climactic at best. The testimony of a band director and self-proclaimed “highly qualified” math teacher, however, provided the bombshell that Superintendent John White and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) would rather you not know.
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As my readers may be aware, we covered Herb Basset's and Mercedes Scheneider's analysis of the bogus SPS