Thursday, May 16, 2013

UPDATE: Hey Legislature - Do Your Jobs! Seattle Schools Community Forum: Finnish Education Leader Offers Some Observations

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Finnish Education Leader Offers Some Observations on Ed Reform:

Hey Legislature - Do Your Jobs! Kids are Waiting

That's the basic message from the Washington State PTA and they - are - right.

Special Session?  Why?  It is now costing money to have the session AND costing time.

And just like our school districts have discovered, the Legislature knows that parents are ponying up money and time because they won't let their school communities down.

E-mail your legislator today. 

I note that many Legislative watchers are seeing that the roadblocks seem to be around certain ed "reforms" like grading schools.  To hold the entire budget hostage for something that practically already exists (the info on 

Finnish Education Leader Offers Some Observations on Ed Reform

Pasi Sahlberg  of Finland wrote a lengthy and compelling piece for the Washington Post's The Answer Sheet.  He calmly and rationally explains why he thinks what is happening in the U.S. won't work.  (To note, he does not address charter schools or Common Core.)  He is talking, very specifically, about teachers and teaching.

In a short bite, he says:

First, standardization should focus more on teacher education and less on teaching and learning in schools.Singapore, Canada and Finland all set high standards for their teacher-preparation programs in academic universities. There is no Teach for Finland or other alternative pathways into teaching that wouldn’t include thoroughly studying theories of pedagogy and undergo clinical practice.

Second, the toxic use of accountability for schools should be abandoned. Current practices in many countries