Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Obama, defying political base, declares National Charter Schools Week | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News - seattlepi.com

Obama, defying political base, declares National Charter Schools Week | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News - seattlepi.com:

Obama, defying political base, declares National Charter Schools Week

Beware of AstroTurf Ed Reformers (click picture)

President Obama has proclaimed this as “National Charter Schools Week” in the United States, warmly embracing a cause that is anathema to teachers unions as it is in much of the president’s liberal base in this Washington.
The president, in praising charter schools, seemed to note the atrophy of the public school system, particularly in some urban areas.
“These learning laboratories give educators the chance to try new models and methods that can encourage excellence in the classroom and prepare more of our children for college and careers,” Obama wrote.  “In return for this flexibility, we should expect high standards and accountability, and make tough decisions to close charter schools that are under, defying  performing and not improving.
“But where charter schools demonstrate success and exceed expectations, we should share what they learn with other public schools and replicate those that produce dramatic results.  Many charter schools choose to locate in communities with few high-quality educational options, making them an important partner in widening the circle of opportunity for students who need it most.”
Washington voters decided narrowly in November to authorize up to 40 publicly funded charter schools open to all students and run through approved non-religious, non-profit organization, and with government oversight. The measure was heavily backed by the state’s technology billionaires: State voters had rejected charter schools on three previous occasions.
Charter schools are generally defined as a public school governed by a charter school board and operated by a 

Charter schools: The report card

State Budget School Funding
(Illinois floor during session at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Ill., Wednesday, March 24, 2010. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman))
On Friday the White House issued a presidential proclamation naming May 5 -11 “National Charter School Week.” Charter Schools are publicly funded schools that are governed by an independent organization through a contract–or charter–with the state. This charter allows these schools to ignore some state or local rules in exchange for meeting standards written into the charter. About 5% of all schools in the U.S. are charter schools, with enrollment quadrupling from 1990-2000 to 2009-10 to 1.6 million students.
In Friday’s Proclamation, President Obama referred to charter schools as “learning laboratories” that offer educators “flexibility” to test new “new models and methods” in the classroom.  “In return for this flexibility,” President Obama continues, “we should expect high standards and accountability.”
Accountability was the subject of a report from the Department of Education Office of the