Friday, May 31, 2013

Moore: Profit motive behind Common Core Standards |

Moore: Profit motive behind Common Core Standards |

Moore: Profit motive behind Common Core Standards

Posted: May 30, 2013 - 9:19pm  |  Updated: May 31, 2013 - 12:11am

The rhetorical war on the Common Core Standards Initiative is heating up and Georgia’s participation is in the balance.
To stave off mutiny within his party over implementation of CCSI, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has weighed in with his support for CCSI, and — more importantly — affirmed that the standards are not federal intrusion into education. He is only partially correct.
The CCSI is an outcome of the Reagan-era Department of Education publication of “A Nation At Risk,” leading to an education summit convened by President George H. Bush and then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. Individual state standards were a result of No Child Left Behind under President George W. Bush. President Obama’s Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has overseen the private development but federally incentivized Common Core standards.
The CCSI came from the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. But the CCSI would never have come about without the tacit approval of the federal government and its “Race to the Top” funding, a trough from which Georgia gorged as much as it could.
In order to understand the CCSI, it is important to understand the newly-reformed education