Sunday, May 12, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: Teacher Tells Missouri What Common Core Really Means. The Post-Dispatch Didn't Cover These Points.

Missouri Education Watchdog: Teacher Tells Missouri What Common Core Really Means. The Post-Dispatch Didn't Cover These Points.:

Teacher Tells Missouri What Common Core Really Means. The Post-Dispatch Didn't Cover These Points.

Peg with Pen, the Colorado teacher who implored teachers and parents to oppose Common Core and whose blog we reposted this morning, followed up with an extraordinary article responding to the St. Louis Post Dispatch's article this morning on Common Core.

Little did I know when I resposted her original blog, she was a native Missourian and has special interest in educating citizens of what Common Core really is vs what DESE tells us it is...or doesn't tell us.

Many, many thanks to her for her insights.  If you are coming to the Capitol tomorrow, maybe you can give copies of her latest blog to the members of the House Education Committee as they decide on their votes.  You can still submit an online witness form which is found at the end of the article.