Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: Jay Nixon's Idea of Citizenship. Will He Teach Students it's Permissible to Break the Law?

Missouri Education Watchdog: Jay Nixon's Idea of Citizenship. Will He Teach Students it's Permissible to Break the Law?:

Jay Nixon's Idea of Citizenship. Will He Teach Students it's Permissible to Break the Law?

Jay Nixon is having a terrible time lately with his "misstatements" about data being sent to the Federal Government.  From thegatewaypundit and BUSTED… Napolitano Thanked MO Lib Governor for Breaking Law – Passing Private Info to DHS:

The accusations were out there that the Missouri Department of Revenue was sharing private citizens’ information to DHS.
Now there’s proof.
Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano sent a letter to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon thanking him for providing information on private citizens to DHS.
As Dana Loesch reported:
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon repeatedly denied knowing anything about