Monday, May 20, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES:


"Safe passage"? Yale kids will walk  past this abandoned and boarded up building at 73rd & Princeton on way to their "receiving" school.  | Jessica Koscielniak ~ Sun-Times
Rev. Marshall Hatch, in front of Tilton 
“That was a cartel, right on the side of the school. . . . This is where the folks know how to find them.” -- Sun-Times
Angelense Jones, a third-grade teacher at Overton Elementary
“You’re not taking them to a better school, to a better environment." -- Marchers, led by teachers union, speak out against school closings
Daniel del Pielago, Empower DC
“We are fighting not only to have equal access to neighborhood public schools but to save the fabric of our communities that is threatened by displacement and gentrification, This is as much