Tuesday, May 21, 2013

LA and the Recovery School District approach (SB1718): A P.T. Barnum Circus | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

LA and the Recovery School District approach (SB1718): A P.T. Barnum Circus | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

LA and the Recovery School District approach (SB1718): A P.T. Barnum Circus

 Reblogged from Cloaking Inequity:
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I suspect P.T. Barnum would be proud of the showmanship eminating from Louisiana— an educational policy circus. The Recovery School District has been acclaimed as “a game changer for New Orleans” and very likely today be up for a vote in the Texas House in Senate Bill 1718— and perhaps soon in a Legislature near you.
Phineas Taylor Barnum (July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891) was an American 
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Great post about RSD and LDOE and great Photoshop work as well. Other States are trying to replicate RSD type arrangements across the United States. If you have been victimized by our RSD or know someone who has please post here or on Julian's blog and share your experience. DOE wont let us have data to disprove their lies, but they can't stop you or silence your voices. Now is the time to speak-out to prevent more children from.being victimized by this injustice.