Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: US Census Bureau: Most Charters Not "Public " Schools

Jersey Jazzman: US Census Bureau: Most Charters Not "Public " Schools:

US Census Bureau: Most Charters Not "Public " Schools

It's official: according to the US Census Bureau, most charter schools are not "public":
Charter Schools
The data in this report include only those charter schools established and administratively controlled by another government entity (e.g., universities, cities, counties, or public school systems). The data for these “public charter schools” are collected as separate, individual units, or are included with the data for their chartering government. Charter schools that do not meet the Census Bureau criteria for classification as a government entity are considered “private charter schools” and are not included in this report.
In order for a charter school to be classified as a “public charter school,” it must meet the same requirements as any other government. It must be an organized entity, with substantial autonomy, and governmental character. Typically, if the school board is appointed