Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ed Notes Online: When Davids Boo Goliaths Do They Lack Civility?

Ed Notes Online: When Davids Boo Goliaths Do They Lack Civility?:

When Davids Boo Goliaths Do They Lack Civility?

Civility is the last recourse of the powerful, those who can afford to appear civil because they hold all the power... 
The call for civility exposes a foundational problem with the current education reform debate because, for all practical purposes, there is no debate..... Paul Thomas,  A Call for Non-Cooperation.
I call for a moratorium on requests that we be civil to people bordering on criminality. Straddling the fence is not an option. You can't take the position that we should act in a civil manner in a "debate" between people with nukes and people with pea shooters - in essence there is no debate ... public booing is not just born out of frustration but is a political tactic to draw attention from a very biased media that ignores the voice of the opposition....Even bad press is better than no press.  EdNotes (I love to quote myself).
Paul Thomas reacts here (A Call for Non-Cooperation: So that Teachers Are Not Foreigners in Their Own Profession) to Randi Weingarten's call for a one-year moratorium on high-stakes testing