Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daily Kos: Rain, retirement and reflection

Daily Kos: Rain, retirement and reflection:

Rain, retirement and reflection

It has been a moist day in Arlington.  The rain, usually gentle began as I exited my stay at Starbucks with my hands full of drink and beverage for my spouse.  With nothing fixed on my schedule until 5 PM, I had the flexibility of time available to those of us retired, perhaps not looking too hard for our next employment opportunity.
I had perused my normal Tuesday reading, saw nothing on which I felt inclined to comment.   Today is the birthday of both Brahms & Tschaikovsky, but somehow neither spoke to me today.  I glanced at the posts here, perused some, but they also offered little to hold my attention.
So as is my wont I turned to reflection -  about the world in which I find myself, about what the future may hold, about what matters.
I had expected to hear further on a couple of employment opportunities.  That I have not may mean little.  Then again, it may mean I am no longer under serious consideration.   That would be at least mildly disappointing.
I saw a few other opportunities worth exploring, so I took a little time to put together and send of materials to see if I might thereby draw a nibble or to.
I outlined what I plan to do in two days in a sample lesson, and received some encouraging feedback from what i believe is the teacher in whose room I will present it.
At time I simply sat in stillness.
I listened, I really listened, to music.
To Mahler.