Friday, May 24, 2013

Daily Kos: Not quite sure how to describe the day

Daily Kos: Not quite sure how to describe the day:

Not quite sure how to describe the day

Yesterday was my 67th birthday, a fact I acknowledged here.  Thanks to Social media, the day was full of communications from other wishing me well on the day, some of which I did not see until this morning.  The major event of the evening was a wonderful dinner out to which Leaves on the Current took me.  The restaurant, on Connecticut Avenue in the Cleveland Park section of DC (across the street from the Uptown Theater), is named Ripples.  For some of my generation that might bring forth images of a cheap wine.  Don't be fooled.  It has a terrific wine list, and of greater importance for me on my birthday, an equally enjoyable beer list.   The food is delicious, much of it organic and natural, such as the Amish chicken I ate, and is stunningly presented.
Yet as wonderful as the meal was, as enjoyable as the leisurely time spent with my wife, I am feeling - how can I say it -  overwhelmed, humbled, blessed, because of the messages I received.
They began a few days before.  A few came this morning.
There were hundreds upon hundreds - via Twitter, email, comments on my diary, dkos messages, and especially Facebook.  Some came from great distance - a former teaching colleague now working in China, an expert on Finnish education from his own country.
I feel validated in an important way, especially as I explore reentering the classroom in the Fall, because more than half of them were from my students.