Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Hockey Game Breaks Out at PS 154 in the

A Hockey Game Breaks Out at PS 154 in the Bronx

We here at SBSB are admitted Trekkies. We have also had a chill go down our collective spines when either Captain Kirk or Captain Picard always take the ultimate responsibility for the actions and decisions of not only their crews, but the second in commands as well.

And that is how it should always be. Just like the Skipper and Gilligan, Ricochet Rabbit and Droop-Along, Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Fife, Gomer and Goober, the Captain and Tennille, Steve Douglas and Uncle Charlie, Colonel Blake and Major Burns, Han Solo and Chewbacca, etc... Get the point?

So should the same theory not be in place in our schools?

Yesterday, was like any other day at PS 154. Out of control as usual. A student that has the run of the school, who we have mentioned under one pseudonym or another on these pages, but for today we will address as Yankel