Friday, April 19, 2013

What Does Good Teaching Look Like? - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

What Does Good Teaching Look Like? - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher:

What Does Good Teaching Look Like?

Imagine you just walked into the classroom of a truly excellent teacher, as she's teaching a lesson. One of those "irreplaceables," perhaps. What do you see and hear? What's on the walls--and the whiteboard? How has she arranged the classroom? What are his students doing? Who's talking--and what are they talking about? What's the prevailing "atmosphere" in the room?
What does good teaching look like?
I used to use this question as a starter exercise in presenting workshops for candidates in the National Board Certification process. There was never a shortage of waving hands or answers: Lots of student work on the walls. No straight rows! Teacher is circulating. Real dialogue. Students asking questions. Room is colorful and inviting. A box for students' portfolios. Students are engaged. Teacher knows his stuff. Kids are on task. Teacher is using technologies seamlessly. No sage on the stage!
The exercise could easily go on for half an hour, as teachers emptied their brains around their personal