Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Gorilla Speaks: It’s time to Change the Conversation | GoingPublic

The Gorilla Speaks: It’s time to Change the Conversation | GoingPublic:

The Gorilla Speaks: It’s time to Change the Conversation

Nancy’s article for the Huffington Post is trending:

It’s time we stopped talking about the failure of teachers and their unions. Instead of pitting public schools against charters and vouchers, we’ve all got to take an unvarnished look at the gorilla in the room: poverty. We must change the conversation. It’s not that spending money on education is a bad investment; it’s where and how that money is spent that’s the problem. The sorry fact is that all of the money we have spent educating our poorest students never makes up the difference when poor kids begin school with 14,000 fewer vocabulary words. We can never make up for some kids having no books at home or no one to read to them.

Read “The Gorilla Speaks” here.