Friday, April 12, 2013

SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 4-12-13 #soschat #edreform

Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break


TFA Faces a California Showdown Over Qualifications to Teach English Learners

Teach For America faces a showdown in California, as this state's Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) considers new restrictions that could limit the placement of TFA's corps members in places with English learners. Since California has a large immigrant population, with 1.4 million English learners, this will be a significant barrier. The CTC, now chaired by Stanford professor Linda Darling-Hammond, will vote on a proposal on April 18th, which can be viewed here.
Teach For America calls those they place in classrooms "corps members," but in California, they are considered "interns," authorized to teach so long as they fulfill a variety of requirements.
The proposed changes include:

  • heightened and more explicit requirements for the level of preservice EL training as well as the 

Mission Hill Chapter 6: Spring Harvest

by Dana Bennis in Blog

"Jews Are Evil" Writing Assignment. Is this Due to Common Core?

Is this Common Core at work, indoctrination or both?  Or is it something else?

From and School apologizes for 'Nazi' writing assignment:

The Albany school district is embroiled in controversy after a teacher assigned this assignment to students that requires them to write an essay that proves the writer is loyal to the German Nazi's and that "Jews are evil and the source of our problems." 

The Albany school district is embroiled in controversy after a teacher assigned this assignment to students that requires them to write an essay that proves the writer is loyal to the German Nazi's and that "Jews are evil and the source of our problems."

Going Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Nothing sets me off more than politicians who lie, regurgitate what they’ve been told without checking to see if it’s accurate, or pretend that the bow tied cow patty they’re trying to sell me doesn’t stink.  A few weeks ago I went off on a diatribe on the PWC Ed Reform facebook page about comments [...]

Insights About The Principalship

The Principalship - ASCD Educational Leadership
In times of increasing expectations, decreasing resources, and rigorous accountability, school principals are faced with complex challenges and a huge array of initiatives to implement. These realities have discouraged many principals from staying on the job. How can schools stop the revolving door of the principalship and energize principals to lead?
The April 2013 issue of ASCD's Educational Leadership addresses approaches that promote career-long growth, such as coaching and mentoring, collaborative learning, and principal peer groups.

In her "Perspectives" column, Editor-in-Chief Marge Scherer asked fellow EL columnist (and 2013 Whole Child Virtual Conference presenter) Tom Hoerr what makes principals stay in a challenging job. Hoerr responded,
The most rewarding thing, for me, is feeling that you've made a positive difference in others' lives. I 

Weeekend Funnies: Jon Stewart is Killing It in China

Why Jon Stewart is so popular in China: "I am decadent capitalist Jon Stewart. Folks, how about this air quality, am I right? Beijing, Shanghai I've seen Confucius quotes that were clearer."
Continue Reading at The Daily Riff

USA Today on Rhee Cheating Scandal

USA Today was first to report the cheating scandal in the District of Columbia.
Here is the follow-up story by Gregg Toppo, about the memo first leaked to John Merrow.
Eventually, the allegations were investigated by the DC Inspector General, who decided not to look at the erasure analysis or to interview many people. It was not the kind of full-scale investigation carried out in Atlanta by professionals. The DC Inspector General decided the cheating, if it happened, was not widespread.