Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rhee Needs Parent Trigger More than Parent Trigger Needs Her | Scathing Purple Musings

Rhee Needs Parent Trigger More than Parent Trigger Needs Her | Scathing Purple Musings:

Rhee Needs Parent Trigger More than Parent Trigger Needs Her

Ann Kane and M. Catharine Evans have been chronicling Michelle Rhee’ s story since she was DC schools chancellor in the influential conservative website American Thinker. While I’ve not always agreed with their conclusions, they’ve been spot of with their criticism. They weighed in yesterday on John Merrow’s PBS story which serves as the metaphorical smoking gun for Rhee’s involvement in the DC cheating scandal that happened on her watch.
Rhee continues to claim innocence regardless of the evidence piling up against her.  If she was aware of high erasure rates in her school system and didn’t call for a thorough investigation (only 60 people were interviewed), like Governor Perdue of Georgia had (Perdue hired special investigators, who interviewed 2,000 people to get to the bottom of the Atlanta cheating scandal), then she is guilty of egregious negligence.
We do know that Rhee was very aware of the meaning of high-stakes testing and the implications