Saturday, April 13, 2013

Real teachers, real leaders head up CORE’s slate for the CTU. | Fred Klonsky

Real teachers, real leaders head up CORE’s slate for the CTU. | Fred Klonsky:

Real teachers, real leaders head up CORE’s slate for the CTU.


They are real classroom teachers.
And their past term as leaders of the Chicago Teachers Union has proven that they are real union leaders.
They are all members of the Caucus of Rand and File Educators.
The CTU election is May 17th.

Karen Lewis is running again as President.
Karen taught chemistry for 22 years.
She has become an iconic figure across the country as a leader with vision, humor and the spine to stand up to the corporate and political powers that run this city.
She has a Master’s in Inner City Studies from Northeastern Illinois University and a Master’s of Fine Arts from Columbia College. During her tenure, Karen has received many awards including the Senator Paul Wellstone Award from Citizen Action Illinois and the A. Phillip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum Gentle Warrior.  Mrs. Lewis comes from a family of educators — her father, mother and husband, John Lewis, who is now retired, were