Sunday, April 7, 2013

On visiting the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial. | Fred Klonsky

On visiting the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial. | Fred Klonsky:

On visiting the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial.

Photo: Fred Klonsky.
We had breakfast with my long lost cousin Rita this morning.
Rita is Jeff”s mom. And Jeff is the reason we are in Washington, DC this weekend. He got married to Robert.
Breakfast was at the old  historic Willard Hotel across the street from the White House.
And as we said our good-byes to cousin Rita, Anne and I walked across the National Mall to the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Monument.
The National Mall is full of war memorials. There are new ones to World War II and Korea. And Maya Lin’s Vietnam memorial.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Monument is the only peace memorial.
It is he only monument to a Black man on the National Mall in a city