Thursday, April 11, 2013

My little advocate says “checkmate” – @ the chalk face

My little advocate says “checkmate” – @ the chalk face:

My little advocate says “checkmate”

We are less than a week away from the state assessments in New York State and my oldest received the annual state testing notice informing parents children should get a good night’s sleep, eat breakfast, and of course bring plenty of #2 pencils.
Well aware of our family’s stance on high-stakes testing, she decided to take action on the flyer:

rip opt out

Well, I really would have like to have read the actual time of the testing period…
In the last year of our family’s opt out journey I have been so proud of my fourth grader.  She started off as a very quiet, shy girl in school.  When we decided that opting out of last year’s New York State Assessments was an important step to stand up for our children’s education we wanted to make sure that our then 8 year old child was ready for this action.  If we had to wait a year or two, so be it, we were not going to force her into something she could not comprehend.  At dinner we asked her if her teacher had talked about the New York State tests coming up in April and she replied “yes”.  I then made a neutral statement, without leading her, that the test was

My phd alma mater representing, #iuonstrike
