Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Your Daily Debunk

Jersey Jazzman: Your Daily Debunk:

Your Daily Debunk

Just kill me:  
But there’s one set of facts that trumps all the other data: the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), otherwise known as the nation’s report card.
The NAEP, which assesses “a representative sampling” of the nation’s fourth-, eighth- and 12th-graders, has four student achievement levels: “advanced” (for “superior performance”), “proficient” (for “solid academic performance”), “basic” (for “partial mastery”) and “below basic” (for below partial mastery).
We need all students to attain the level of “proficient” or better.
So what does NAEP tell us about our nation’s eighth-graders, for example? Brace yourself for the bad news: In math, in 2011, 18 percent of our eighth-graders