Monday, April 8, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Newark's Students Fight Back Tomorrow!

Jersey Jazzman: Newark's Students Fight Back Tomorrow!:

Newark's Students Fight Back Tomorrow!

Now that's what I'm talking about:


First things first: if any of the yahoos on talk radio or in the press decide to make a big stink about these kids cutting classes tomorrow, remind them of this:
This past week, pro-voucher forces in New Jersey bussed kids in from local Catholic schools to rally in support of a school voucher bill. 

N.J. protesters rally in Trenton to support school vouchers

Chris Christie condemned that rally; he thinks it is wrong to take kids out of school for a protest:
"The schools did a lousy job in really permitting all these students to walk out in the middle of the school day. Their parents send them there not to protest. They send them there to learn. And I have no problem with students protesting. They have absolutely every right to exercise their first