Monday, April 8, 2013

EduShyster Does Spring Break | EduShyster

EduShyster Does Spring Break | EduShyster:

EduShyster Does Spring Break

Thomas Friedman goes down best with a jello shot and other lessons from America’s choice-iest state
Greetings high achievers. While you were administering standardized tests, preparing to administer standardized tests or boldly disrupting our hopelessly stifled public schools, I spent last week chillaxing in America’s choice-iest state. That’s right, reader. EduShyster took the show on the road to Florida, USA in order to enjoy an old-school style spring break. My travels afforded me the opportunity to learn many important lessons, including the following: when it comes to choice, you can never have too much choice, if it sounds too good to be true, you are probably in Florida, and current TSA regulations prohibit taking a winebox aboard a plane. Who knew?
Thomas Friedman goes down best with a jello shot
One highlight of EduShyster Spring Break 2013: savoring the horn-o-plenty of education “reporting” that has been the specialty of the New York Times of late. A typical afternoon, enjoyed beneath the comfort of my tiki hut,