Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day in the Life of a Principal (Part 1) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Day in the Life of a Principal (Part 1) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice:

Day in the Life of a Principal (Part 1)

Jessica Johnson is Principal of Dodgeland Elementary School in Wisconsin. This day-in-the-life appeared on her blog April 26, 2009.
I am guilty of having thought as a teacher and even as an assistant principal, “What is the principal doing all day? Why hasn’t he/she done x, y or z yet?” Well, now that I’m the principal, I take back all of the thoughts I had back then, because you can just never understand what the principal does all day until you live it!
There are so many things that could happen in a day that couldn’t even be shared with staff, because: A) I don’t want to set the tone of the school by complaining B) Some information has to be filtered by me or it would just give teachers more to stress over C) There’s a lot of confidential information contained within a principal’s day. So, I want to write a list of all the crazy things that could happen on any given day.
Monday morning arrive to work at 6:30 am. Turn on the computer and start looking at my list of things to