Tuesday, April 23, 2013

UPDATE: 30 days to go Daily Kos: Guns and terrorism, a double-barreled standard

Daily Kos: Guns and terrorism, a double-barreled standard:

30 days to go

As today comes to a close, I enter upon the final month of this my 67th year on earth.
I always try to find time to reflect.
I spent a good deal of the year leading up to my 60th birthday reflecting upon my life, and that led to my writing

Photos from Andrew Kitzenberg of early Friday Watertown shootout

Many saw Kitzenberg on TV during the early morning hours.
He has posted and explained the photos he took with his I-Phone as the shootout was occurring on the street just outside the house in which he leaves early Friday morning.
If you are interested, you can take a look  at Boston Bombing Suspect Shootout Pictures.

Guns and terrorism, a double-barreled standard

The nation demonstrated again last week how resolute it can be when threatened by murderous terrorists — and how helpless when ordered to heel by smug lobbyists for the gun industry.
That is how Eugene Robinson, Pulitzer-Prize winning columnist of the Washington Post, begins this column this morning, whose title i have borrowed for this post.He goes through some of the background of reactions to the Boston Marathon attacks, including the unanswered questions about motivations of the attackers, and how some, like Senator Lindsay Graham, would like to see them treated.
He acknowledges that we are likely to "move heaven and earth" to try to get to any information that will explain the motivations and explore any possible foreign connections to their actions.
Then, in two sentences in adjacent paragraphs, he frames what for many of us is the real issue:
Since the 9/11 attacks, we have demonstrated that when alienated young men who are foreign-born and Muslim kill innocents, we will do anything in our power to keep such atrocities from happening again.Shamefully, however, we have also shown that when alienated young men who are not foreign-born