Sunday, April 14, 2013

California Dem’s Resolving not to be suckered by corporate “reformers” | Persephone's Mother

California Dem’s Resolving not to be suckered by corporate “reformers” | Persephone's Mother:

California Dem’s Resolving not to be suckered by corporate “reformers”

I came back today after spending the week-end in Sacramento at the 2013 California Democratic Convention. A contingent of labor groups, including the California Teachers Association, the California Federation of Teachers, submitted a resolution titled, “Supporting public education and dispelling the corporate reform agenda”. It not only calls out the corporate reformers, but so-called democratic organization (in name only) such as, Democrats for Education Reform and Students First.  This resolution was heard on the floor of the convention today. I’m very proud of the fact that this resolution was passed by a majority of California Democrats. The text of the resolution is below.
Supporting California’s Public Schools and Dispelling the Corporate “Reform” Agenda
Whereas, the reform initiatives of Students First, rely on destructive anti-educator policies that do nothing for students but blame educators and their unions for the ills of society, make testing the goal of education, shatter communities by closing their public schools, and see public schools as potential profit centers and children as