Sunday, March 24, 2013

Thinking About Schools: Value-SUBTRACTED Measures

Thinking About Schools: Value-SUBTRACTED Measures:

Value-SUBTRACTED Measures

Subtract: a) to eliminate, reduce, terminate, cut, or other action which reduces value or ability to succeed.  
In an era where "Value-Added Measures" (along with excessive testing and teacher labeling) are all the rage, what about Value-Subtracted Measures which force action we know are bad for kids and learning and can in no way counter the noble efforts and success of those adding value to learning? 
I read with interest (and because of the pictures our son sent) about the U.S.A. World Cup preliminary round soccer match– in a Commerce City, Colorado blizzard. U.S.A. 1 and won; Costa Rica 0 andfroze.
Conspiring to put South American soccer players on a snow covered field, while pretty sneaky is apparently not an uncommon strategy.  In a NYT article, George Vescey explained a similar reason Honduras scheduled a recent match against the U.S.A. in 100 degree afternoon sunshine.  Honduras