Monday, March 25, 2013

The Second Annual Dog and Pony Show of Faux Support for Parent Trigger is Tuesday | Scathing Purple Musings

The Second Annual Dog and Pony Show of Faux Support for Parent Trigger is Tuesday | Scathing Purple Musings:

The Second Annual Dog and Pony Show of Faux Support for Parent Trigger is Tuesday

They tried this last year, too. But this time, Jeb Bush’s top lobbyist lieutenant Patricia Levesque will be bringing in an equally loathsome group for a sham press conference. From Florida Watchdog reporter William Patrick inBush’s Foundation for Florida’s Future website:
Florida Watchdog contacted Nikki Lowery of Students First Florida for comment but received a form letter from Rhee. Lowery will attend an event in Tallahassee on Tuesday to call attention to the Parent Trigger legislation, along with Levesque and Patrick DeTemple of Parent Revolution.
Patrick is either a hack or just single sourced his article. In only recognizing  the FEA as the predictable boogeyman opposing Parent Trigger, Patrick fails miserably in telling the whole story. It was a group of real Florida moms who did the heavy lifting on defeating the bill last year.
Along with those same parent groups – the Florida PTA, Fund Education Now, Parents Across America of Florida and 50th No More to name just a few - two civil rights groups in the LULAC Florida and the Florida