Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday read. | Fred Klonsky

Sunday read. | Fred Klonsky:

Sunday read.


Photo: Fred Klonsky. Anna Maria Island, Florida.
No matter what they do, how they measure it or what scheme they put in place, the results keep coming back showing that we’re pretty damn good. And they act surprised when even their stupid data keeps saying that.
But that doesn’t keep them from doing away with tenure.
Data collecting, Big Brother and the crazy Glenn Beck. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The rich and powerful are just like us except they’re rich and powerful.
Michael Madigan’s $98 million dollar gift to UNO’s charter scam is now under investigation.
I suspect that Emanuel and his allies see these closures as the last chance for a knockout blow. For nearly a decade, the true believers in accountability thought that they had the teaching profession on the ropes. But, even inside their bubble, it is now clear that teachers are fighting back. If market-driven “reformers” don’t put us away quickly, their exquisite vision for data-driven schooling will unravel. So, across the nation, the mass closings of traditional public schools are their last assault on an education system which did not appreciate their theories.
I suspect that these “reformers,” secure in their ignorance of urban realities, still believe that their opponents are to blame. Had educators welcomed enough rookies willing to gut it out and to “put children first,” the short term