Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sorry, Rahm – “negotiations” are not over Parents United for Responsible Education

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Sorry, Rahm – “negotiations” are not over

Mayor Emanuel may want to believe that “the time for negotiation” on school closings is over, but the community has a different plan.
As CTU President Karen Lewis told the crowd of thousands yesterday at the school closing rally, “It’s not over until you say it’s over.”
Lots of people took much better photos than mine, but I just wanted to point out that we took over the streets outside the Federal Building, the State of Illinois Building, and City Hall, the key landmarks of government, paid for by us taxpayers and filled with people whom we vote into and can vote out of office. It’s called democracy, Rahm, not “negotiation.”
Opening remarks at Daley Plaza in front of the Federal Building.
Filling the street by the State of Illinois Center