Sunday, March 31, 2013

School vouchers don't work | Arkansas Blog

School vouchers don't work | Arkansas Blog:

School vouchers don't work

Posted by  on Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 5:15 AM

You just have to follow Diane Ravitch if you live in this land of Stepford legislators who accept pronouncements from the Billionaire Boys Club school reform lobby as holy writ. If a Walton says it — or somebody paid by the Waltons — it must be so. There is another side.
Speaking of the Waltons:
They finance a school up at the University of Arkansas's Walton branch campus in Fayetteville dedicated to churning out support for the BBC's anti-union, pro-voucher, pro-charter, pro-obsessive-testing political movement.
So it's interesting to read Ravitch's conclusion that school vouchers don't work when her opinion is based on research by Patrick Wolf of the Walton think tank at UAF (he gets an endowed chair, thanks to Walton money, in "school choice," if that gives you any idea what he's expected to favor). Ravitch:
Now that 17 states have authorized vouchers to “save kids from failing schools,” it