Saturday, March 30, 2013

School Tech Connect: This Isn't Goodbye-Goodbye...

School Tech Connect: This Isn't Goodbye-Goodbye...:

This Isn't Goodbye-Goodbye...

...but it's goodbye for now.

And so we have come to the end of School TechConnect. It's been a hell of a ride.

I'm taking a few months off.

I'll still be active on Twitter because as you know, I have to chime in on every little thing. And if I have something more extensive to say, I have a space ready for that. And I fully intend to be out on the streets with my cameras, so you ain't heard the last from Ernest T. Bass, as a famous hillbilly once said.

But the daily blogging is over for a while.

I'd like to thank all of my readers. You three have been a terrific audience. And I'd like to thank the people who've linked to me--- you have excellent taste, all of you.

But seriously, thank you.

According to my vaguely sketched plan, I'll be back in the saddle in August, in a new space, with my famously caustic wit intact. In other words, the babbling will continue in the fall.

See you on the streets. Adios!