Sunday, March 24, 2013

Public School Money, Creationism, Evolution, and Schneider | deutsch29

Public School Money, Creationism, Evolution, and Schneider | deutsch29:

Public School Money, Creationism, Evolution, and Schneider

Over the past year, I have read a number of articles regarding the use of public funds to support schools that are teaching creationism and not evolution.  In all of my reading on the topic, I have not read any articles offering a perspective similar to my own. Therefore, I have decided to weigh in on the subject.
In order for readers to properly consider my perspective, I must first offer insight into the influences that have shaped my thinking, both my own worldview as well as my own brief-yet-critical considerations of the two theories.  Finally, I will offer my view of the use of public funds for supporting the teaching of the state-endorsed theory of evolution.
Playing Well With Others: The Ground Rules
There is a risk in my revealing both myself and my reasoning on a topic that evokes strong responses from people. Thus, I will also establish some ground rules for how readers might register their responses to this post:
I welcome comments that are written in a respectful manner. Such comments need not agree with my viewpoint