Tuesday, March 12, 2013

PSAT for 3-12-13: Urge more officials to join Black, Latino caucus leaders calling for school closing moratorium Parents United for Responsible Education

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PSAT for 3-12-13: Urge more officials to join Black, Latino caucus leaders calling for school closing moratorium

psat_logoOur public schools have just gained a strong group of champions. As youmay have heard, the chairman of the Senate Education Committee, state Senator William Delgado, and the chairs of the Illinois General Assembly’s Black and Latino Caucuses, state Representatives Ken Dunkin and Cynthia Soto, have called for a moratorium on all school closings until the Board presents a 10-year Educational Facilities Master Plan, as mandated by state law.
They were joined in their call by several Chicago aldermen.
Has your alderman, state rep or state senator signed on to the moratorium on school closings? See the list below. If not, contact them now! Senators here, state reps here, aldermen here.
I just sent this fax to the members of the