Monday, March 18, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES:


Persepolis author, Marjane Satrapi
 “For me, the worst in all of that is it’s absolutely the biggest insult to the intelligence of the teachers.” -- Sun-Times
 More from Marjane Satrapi
 I’m absolutely shocked. Even in Texas I didn’t have trouble with Persepolis.” -- Sun-Times
CPS liar-in-chief, Becky Carroll
"The book was never banned.” -- Sun-Times
Lane Tech students 
 - This is a SIT IN…We will SIT. And READ. You do not need to bring the book with you. You can hold up signs expressing your opinions toward CPS, Persepolis, Censorship, etc. - If you have other banned books, feel free to bring them and read them there. -- Flyer announcing today's sit-in in the library
Lane Tech Teacher, Steve Parsons
"I tell my students all the time, this is what education is all about. You don't learn just so you can take a test. You learn so you can change the