Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lafayette School. Evidence of a failing, underutilized school in Chicago. | Fred Klonsky

Lafayette School. Evidence of a failing, underutilized school in Chicago. | Fred Klonsky:

Lafayette School. Evidence of a failing, underutilized school in Chicago.

PopoutH/T: Last Stand for Children First.

Lafayette School is just one of 54 schools that the Chicago Public Schools are planning to close.  Lafayette’s Illinois School Report Card shows just what a colossal failure it is.  With 98% of the student population living in poverty, should they really be earning the upright bass?  Why not teach these students instruments that they could play on street corners and help their families out?  It seems to me fine arts money could be better used on more affluent students in the first place.Mayor Emanuel has never visited Lafayette School nor have any School Board members, but they must have done their homework shutting down