Saturday, March 2, 2013

February 24 - March 2 : blue cheddar

February 24 - March 2 : blue cheddar:

The Weekly Cheddar

March 2, 2013
This is just my weekly round-up of political news and opinion from around Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Senate President Mike Ellis proposes $400 million more for schoolsApparently the Republicans are NOT going to keep bending over for Walker’s punishing agenda? This came out late on Friday. source=Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
More on the agenda Ellis is attempting to thwart can be found at Walker’s Plan for Wisconsin Public Schools: Make Them Private by Giles Goat Boy
Federal panel opens GOP computers in Wisconsin redistricting case
by Patrick Marley – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“A federal court gave groups suing the state broad access Monday to three computers used by the Legislature to develop Republican-friendly voting maps.
The Legislature “must make these three computers available in their entirety immediately” to the groups suing the state, the three judges wrote.” -source
Folks are making signs for Wisconsin candidate for state supreme court, Ed Fallone.
TAA union membership down to about a third from 2011 numbers
The graduate student teaching assistant union that was heavily involved in the protest and occupation in Madison two years ago has taken a big hit due to