Thursday, March 7, 2013

Diane Ravitch Announces New Network for Public Education - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Diane Ravitch Announces New Network for Public Education - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Diane Ravitch Announces New Network for Public Education

This morning Diane Ravitch announced the launch of a new organization to connect supporters of public education across the country. This could not come at a better time.
Tuesday's election in Los Angeles showed the raw power of the money driving corporate education reform. Supporters of corporate reform, including Rupert Murdoch's Newscorp, Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg poured close to $4 million into the race. In spite of this mammoth spending, and a barrage of TV ads, Zimmer won. His supporters, including the Los Angeles teachers union, walked the precincts and made thousands of phone calls to help voters understand what was at stake. This shows us the path forward to defeating corporate power is not through money, but through grassroots organization.
And in West Sacramento, another race pitting National Board certified teacher Sarah Kirby-Gonzalez against a candidate backed by Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst also ended in a victory for the grassroots campaign. Kirby-Gonzalez said, "I'm not for the status quo. I'm for change. All teachers are for change, but from people who really '

It's website is here,
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