Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blue Jersey:: Education Round Up, 3/23/13

Blue Jersey:: Education Round Up, 3/23/13:

Education Round Up, 3/23/13

Sun Comes Up, Water Remains Wet, NJEA Endorses BuonoThe biggest political story around education this week was also the least surprising: NJEA, the state's largest teachers union, endorsed Democratic gubernatorial candidate Barbara Buono. What's far more interesting is that Chris Christie actually showed up for his appointment with NJEA's screening committee.
The hard truth for Christie is that this election, despite his current popularity, is hardly going to be a cakewalk in a Blue Jersey. Beating up more on the NJEA won't draw many votes to him he didn't already have. But cooling down the rhetoric may cause enough teachers and parents to put aside the 2010 War On Teachers and pull the lever for him.
Unfortunately, there are a few crazy teacher-bloggers here to remind them that Chris Christie hates teachers - not just the NJEA, but teachers.
At NJDOE, Cronyism Rules in Charter School Approvals
Darcie Cimarusti, aka Mother Crusader, dropped another OPRA-based bombshell this week on the Department