Sunday, March 10, 2013

Arguing about school reforms that go nowhere - Class Struggle - The Washington Post

Arguing about school reforms that go nowhere - Class Struggle - The Washington Post:

Arguing about school reforms that go nowhere

In the 1990s, Las Montanas High School (a fictional name for a real place) throbbed with excitement over technological advances in California’s Silicon Valley where it was located. Forty-four percent of the students were low-income but the school’s administrators and teachers vowed to override that handicap by turning it into a high tech magnet with a strong interdisciplinary focus.
They envisioned students learning by doing projects, and thus understanding more than ever before. Ten computer labs were scattered throughout the campus. When Stanford University scholar Larry Cuban and two of his graduate students spent the 1998-1999 school year there, the desire for change was evident.
Cuban is a former Arlington County school superintendent who defected to academia. He has spent decades examining the allegedly game-